Dr. Sambit Bakshi
Senior Member IEEE, Visual Surveillance Laboratory, NIT Rourkela, India
Sambit Bakshi is currently with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India. His area of interest includes surveillance, biometric security, and digital forensics. He served as Associate Editor of IEEE Access and Expert Systems in the past. He presently serves as associate editor of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering Springer: A NASA Journal, Expert Systems with Applications, Image and Vision Computing, and IEEE IT Professional magazine. He is a senior member of IEEE. He is Founding Chair of IEEE Rourkela Subsection. He presently serves as a member of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Young Professionals Subcommittee since 2020 (liaison for IEEE Young Professional for the year 2022). He previously served as the vice-chair for IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Technical Committee for Intelligent Systems Applications for the year 2019. He is a member of Professional Activities Committee of IEEE Region 10 for the year 2022. He has invested the last couple of years for furthering the mission and vision of IEEE in the rural areas of India and sensitizing the benefits of technology to the unprivileged people. He has published widely inĀ more than 100 journals and conferences.
All CLAP 2022 Speakers
Dr. Jessica Bian
President, IEEE Power & Energy Society | Vice President of Grid Services at Grid-X Partners.
Hossam Ali
Chair, IEEE MGA Student Activities Committee | Cyber Security Program Manager, Victoria University
Emi Yano
Chair, IEEE Region 10 Women in Engineering Committee | HR Specialist, Ricoh IT Solutions
Michele Ross
Founder of Michele Ross | Online International Career Coach. REA - Partners in Transition