Almeer Ahsan Asif
Project Lead, Senior Manager & Head of Skills and Training Development, BYLC, Bangladesh
Almeer Ahsan Asif is the Senior Manager of the Skills Development & Training wing at BYLC. Almeer is leading five core departments of BYLC which are Admissions, Leadership Development and Training, OPD, Alumni Impact team, and Chattogram branch office. He is also working as the Project Lead of a five-year-long project focusing on conducting leadership training for 3,000 youth across Bangladesh.
A graduate of the first Art and Practice of Leadership workshop of BYLC in 2013, Almeer completed an Executive Education on the Art and Practice of Leadership Development from Harvard Kennedy School, USA, in May 2017. Before that, he completed Master’s of Education in Educational Leadership and School Improvement from BRAC Institute of Educational Development with distinction. He also has a B.Sc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).
He worked as a Fellow in the inaugural cohort (2014 batch) at Teach For Bangladesh, a global movement to end inequity in education. He was nominated by the Government of Bangladesh in October 2016 to participate in a study visit in Australia organized by IIEP-UNESCO. He acted as the chairperson of IEEE AIUB Student Branch. He was the co-founder of a program called Literacy Through Leadership, in collaboration with IEEE AIUB SB, enabling university students to invest time teaching English to low-income school students.
All CLAP 2022 Speakers

Dr. Jessica Bian
President, IEEE Power & Energy Society | Vice President of Grid Services at Grid-X Partners.

Hossam Ali
Chair, IEEE MGA Student Activities Committee | Cyber Security Program Manager, Victoria University

Emi Yano
Chair, IEEE Region 10 Women in Engineering Committee | HR Specialist, Ricoh IT Solutions

Michele Ross
Founder of Michele Ross | Online International Career Coach. REA - Partners in Transition