Important Dates

August 1
Call for
September 21
Proposal Submission Deadline
October 21
Report Submission Deadline
August 1
Call for
September 21
Proposal Submission Deadline
October 21
Report Submission Deadline

R10 Young Professionals Buddy Fund 2024​

IEEE R10 Young Professionals Buddy Fund supports emerging Young Professionals Affinity Groups, fostering sustainability through financial aid for activities and collaborations.


IEEE R10 Young Professionals Buddy Fund is created to provide financial support for newly formed or dormant Young Professionals Affinity Groups (YP AGs) of Region 10 to gain enough momentum to function as a fully sustainable YP AG. The Buddy Fund can be used for activities that engage with potential local volunteers or forming connections with other YP AGs through collaborative activities and projects.

Proposal Categories and Funding Limits​

USD 500

Vibrant Newbie Buddies

Newly Formed/Dormant YP AG Initiative

Project lead : Section Young Professionals Affinity Group Chair

The activity is JOINTLY proposed and organized by one dormant YP AG that is supported by the local Section, where the The activity is proposed and organized by a newly formed/dormant YP AG.

USD 750

Dynamic Affinity Buddies

Collaborative YP AG Initiative

Project lead : Section Young Professionals Affinity Group Chair

The activity is JOINTLY proposed and organized by one active YP AG and one newly formed/dormant YP AG, where the newly formed/dormant YP AG would be the main applicant.

USD 750

Collaborative Council Buddies

Council-Led AG Collaboration Initiative

Project lead : Council Young Professionals Chair

The activity is proposed by an IEEE council, and JOINTLY organized by multiple AGs within this council. In this case, at least two AGs should participate which includes at least one newly formed/dormant YP AG.

Each selected proposal is funded depending on the mode of event and in accordance with Region 10 Matching Fund Policy as indicated below.

  • Face-to-Face or Hybrid Activities: Up to the maximum funding
  • Virtual Activities: Half of the maximum funding
Role of project lead

The proposal should be submitted by the project lead. The project lead is also responsible for the funded project until its completion

Newly Formed/Dormant Young Professional Affinity Group Classification

Affinity groups newly formed within the last 2 years. OR Affinity groups that reported less than 2 activities in the previous year.

Policy of Region 10 Matching Fund​


A Large Section’s project (1501 members or more) may be eligible to receive support up to 50% of the total approved fund.

1500- 500

A Medium Section’s project (501 to 1501 members) may be eligible to receive support up to 70% of the total approved fund.

< 500

A Small Section’s project (less than 500 members) may be eligible to receive support up to 90% of the total approved fund.

Council’s project

A Council’s project may be eligible to receive support up to 90% of the total fund.

Fund Qualification Criteria

Proposals must fulfill all criteria to be eligible for the grant. Each proposed project shall fulfill at least two of the following activities. Activities can be organized in any format including in-person or virtual mode.

Membership Enhancement Drive

Initiative to strengthen and boost IEEE Young Professional Memberships.

Elite Officer Training

A Prospect on Young professional Affinity Group and Officer Reporting through vTools.

Student to Professional Member Transition

A drive for student Members to emphasize the gateways as a Young Professional.

Member Empowerment Drive

Initiative to empower member’s distinct professional skill sets.

Reimbursement claims are only applicable for proposals that are selected for funding. A detailed report should be submitted within the specified timeline to IEEE R10 Young Professionals Committee. Description of activities accompanied by pictures must be in the report. The report should include the attended number of participants that also specifies the number of IEEE members attendees. The report format should strictly follow the template provided. The report templates will be provided to all fund recipients during the results notification stage.

The funds will be transferred only to COMPLETED projects upon receiving following items:

  • Event poster(s)
  • Project Report that summarizes all the activities conducted with photos, and participants
  • Finance Report
  • All Receipts
  • Event link(s) (only applicable for virtual or hybrid activities)
  • For multiple activities conducted per project, items requested above must be submitted each as a single file.

Reimbursement Claims After Project Completion

Project Compliance

  • Projects MUST comply with all national/federal, state, and local laws, guidelines, safety codes, and restrictions.
  • All projects that involve children must follow IEEE Guidelines for Working with Children. Any project funding will be contingent on policy compliance.
  • In the event the project collects, uses, processes, or involves the personal data of any individual, the grantee agrees that they shall, to the maximum extent possible, respect the privacy of those individuals. Grantee will comply with all applicable data privacy laws or regulations.


  • Certificates will be awarded to Affinity Groups, Sections, and Councils that completed the proposed activities under the funding.
  • Articles on Buddy Fund-ed Activities will be published in R10 Young Professionals website and Region 10 Newsletter.

For Queries​

Please click the following link to send us an email.