Dear IEEE Region 10 members,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you and your members to participate in the IEEE Region 10 Flagship competition, All IEEE Young Engineers’ Humanitarian Challenge (AIYEHUM) 2016.
AIYEHUM is a project-contest to encourage young engineers to solve real-world challenges applying science and technology. The contest aims at orienting young minds towards identifying community problems and developing technology solutions which are cost effective and sustainable.
Project Proposal
We are inviting project proposals from science/engineering professionals and students who are 35 years or below in 2016. The projects should benefit an under-served population or solve a community problem, applying science and technology.
The project proposal template and detailed information can be found at the AIYEHUM Website:
The deadline for submission of the project proposal is 15th March 2016.
Mentors/Jury Members
We are also inviting applications from people who would like to be a mentor and/or member of jury for AIYEHUM 2016. A mentor/member of Jury must be a senior member of academics, industry, NGO, etc. who has a good working experience.
An eminent Jury would shortlist the project proposals based on the criteria and such projects will be awarded grants to support the development and implementation of the projects. A mentor will be allocated to a short-listed project team and she/he will guide the team to complete the project in a professional manner.
The deadline for application to Mentor/Jury member is 1st March 2016.
For more details, submission of project proposal and applications to mentor and member of jury, please visit the AIYEHUM 2016 website by clicking the following link.
Thank you
Rajnish Gupta, PhD.
(On behalf of AIYEHUM Team)